Thursday, 21 October 2010

Blood transfusion #3

We arrived at Frimley park hospital at around 9.45am,they put some amatop cream on her hands and feet to numb the skin ready to be canulated.

They took her in to take some blood and put the canula in at about 10.45am, I think it was 2 student drs, but not too sure. Anyway they failed to get it in her hand but had clearly got the vein because when he removed it to give up and try else where it really bled. Someone else had a go and eventually got it in her foot.

Normally she'll lie on the bed absolutely no bother at all and obviously she gets upset if it hurts but today she immediately looked unsure about it all and started crying before they even started :0(
And just like last time when they tried her foot she seemed to still be able feel it despite the cream, so she ended up getting Really upset, its so horrid to see, especially when you cant just scoop her up and cuddle her!
In true Reagan style though she got over it very quickly bless her.

So then we went home and waited for them to call when the blood was each.
They called at 1.45pm and we arrived at the hospital about 2.30pm.

They flushed the canula to check it was working, as they always do, and it was fine but she didn't like it and it made her cry again. It's flushed with salt water so it feels cold going through the vein, she obviously didn't like how it felt!!

So they started the blood but she didn't like it either, then it began to play up a little and was saying it was blocked and beeping etc. Every time the nurse held reagans foot it stopped!!! Eventually it sorted itself out but Reagan still wasn't very happy about it. She was getting tired so I fed her to calm her down and eventually she fell asleep. They have to do regular obs on her (blood pressure and temp, incase she's having a reaction to the blood) so she was woken up by them doing that!!!! Ggggrrr!!!!!

I think either the vein in her foot is smaller or mire sensitive or she's just mire aware now coz she really didn't like it. She kept lifting her foot and was pulling, or trying to pull the tube.

By 6.30pm we were done, she'd had 90mls of red blood cells and was the pinkest I'd ever seen her!!!

You remember she had bloods done yesterday and her hb was 7.9 and her reticulocytes were just 1?? Today her hb was 7.5!! That's a fast drop in less than 24 hrs.

So let's see if she gets a good nights sleep tonight. She went down at about 7.30-7.45 and woke at 10 but is already up again now!!! Currently feeding while I type 1 handed!!

Going to put her back to bed now so goodnight from me and goodnight from pinked baby Reagan!!!

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