Friday, 29 October 2010

Blood tissue matching part 2

Sorry had to put this on a separate post because i can't continue where i left off from my iPad!

Anyway Peyton was stronger than they thought she would be, the 1st then the 2nd attempt failed. So it was decided that we would leave her be for a while, do me and Alex and get another nurse to have another go at Peyton.

When i went to get Peyton for the last attempt she quite flatly said "No!" any way i managed to convince her without the sweets. She walked round to the room but when she saw the chair she did an about turn and be cane to refuse again! She reminded me of the lion from the wizard of oz!!

Again she screamed but it was pretty quick. She got loads of stickers and had a star sticker on one of her hands like a plaster. On the way home she asked me to take it off, when i went to do it she snatched it away saying "No, just leab it!!" she did this dozens of times before she managed to pluck up the courage to take it off just before bed!!

He results will be about 2 wks, if anyone is a match then the test has to be repeated to be doubly sure. Lets hope its not peyotn eh?

Reagan has been sleeping a little better. The nit before last was pretty amazing. She went down at about 9pm woke at 12.30. I brought he into bed to feed her and woke at 2.38am and put her back to her crib. Then she woke at 6.30am had another feed and went back to sleep for a little while. So that was a stretch of 4 hrs in her own bed! She hasn't done that in months and months.

Last night was back to about every 2 hrs, when she's up more than 3 times i loose track of the times but i think it was about 4 times last night.

We're off to Devon to stay with the inlaws now, so fingers crossed she sleeps well there!!!

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