Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Progress 'n stuff!

Not sure if you noticed the ungodly hr of the last post??
Hhhmmmmm not impressed!

It's prompted me to give you a little update on Reagan herself!

She now has 3 teeth! 2 at the bottom and one at the top. She is shuffling everywhere now and gaining speed! She has now started to some times crawl properly, it's not very often at all but it is proof that her upper body is strengthening. She'll also sometimes go up onto her hands and feet, very amusing!

I had to lower the cot because she fell out!!! Poor poor baby, she ended up with a nasty bruise on her forehead. She stands up the very second she is awake, so no chance of falling back to sleep in that position eh!?!?

Which brings me to the sleeping again! Last night she was up 3 times, I'm not sure what the first time was but it was then about 3.30 and again at 5.50 when She decided it was time to get up for the day (hence ms being on her at stupid o'clock)
That is a very good night for her! Especially as I went to sleep before she'd woken up at all, meaning the first time she woke up was after midnight.
However, she is usually very bad, the night before i lost count it was easily over 5 times. If I fight and try to settle her with out feeding her she will sleep for maybe 3-5 mins (just enough for you to maybe falling back to sleep yourself) and this will continue for somewhere between an hr and an hr and half! Before she might finally give in and sleep for about 40 mins.........now is it worth all the effort??? And then at this time it is quite some time since she was last fed and I will think at it's feasible for her to actually need to be fed now!!!

So........we've decided to take her to her paediatrician, Dr Salma, and see if there is anything she can do to help. She must be an extreme case surely???
She's almost 14mths now and has never slept a night through. Her longest is 6 hrs...... God I'd give a limb for a 6 hr stretch!!!!!

Her eating is still regally fab! She loves being on her feet (all size 2 of them!) and being walked around! I'd quite like her to walk because when we go into hospital with her she's confined to her bed or us walking her around. She obviously cant crawl on the floor.

She can drink from a beaker herself, very cute! Cruises around the furniture, she's saying a couple of words- kind of!! And shakes her head!! She hates her walker......biggest waste of £50 that was. Think it's because she still cant do anything in it, despite it being on the lowest setting she cant really reach the floor.

Well thats all I can think of for now!!

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