Monday, 22 November 2010


I'm posting this separately even though vie done it at the same time as the result post because that was so positive and this one isn't so much and i didn't want to darken the 'happy' post!!!

Any way reagan's had diarrhoea for the last wk, she slept delay well on sat nighth, which is not like her at all!
And yesterday ( Sunday) she was sick, so I took her the out of hours GP last night. He wasn't worried and said she was well hydrated and it was probably just a bug.

But then today she seemed to go down hill, even though the diarrhoea finally seems to be getting better. She has Been so sleepy, floppy, and she hasn't eaten anything since Friday.

I spoke to dr Pelidis and she said that we really should have direct access to the childrens ward for times like this. Its pointless a GP seeing her, she needs to see a paed.

Anyway. They did her bloods and amazingly her HB is 10.6!!!!!! I was well impressed with her. They said that if the diarrhoea isn't any better by wed then she needs to go back, but it seems to be better already. Also i should see a marked improvement in her with in 48 hrs other wise again take her back.

He said that they wouldn't like to transfuse anymore than is absolutely necessary because the least amount of donors she has the better!!!!! ggggrrrrr its one of the reasons i want her to have her own donors! I'm seeing dr Salma tomorrow so will ask again. If not we've thought maybe we will ask if St Georges will do it for her. Also Dr Salma should be able to sort out direct access to the ward for us.

Also she was weighed while we were there, she was fully clothed and weighed 5.9kg which is about 13.1oz, that's a loss of 13oz in just under 2 wks, plus she was naked at her last weigh.

I expected she may have lost a little of stayed the same but not that much!

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