Monday, 13 September 2010

Paediatrician appt

27th April 2010 14+4wks 7.14lbs

I took Reagan back to the GP (this time i saw our own GP rather than a cover) she agreed that she really should be seen by a paediatrician, as we just wernt getting anywhere!

She had an appt booked for today anyway as a follow up from the pneumonia she had at birth. So it was decided that i would just use this appt to discuss her poor weight gain.

Straight away she commented that she was pale. Then she checked her over and heard a "significant heart murmur" . She called a consultant in to listen, he just happened to be about at the time. He agreed and wanted to do a heart scan on her.

The paediatrician organised for beer to have blood taken for a full blood count (fbc) a liver Function test, a sweat test for cystic fibrosis, urine sample, stool sample, chromosome test and to return to see her in 2 wks time and if her weight gain is still an issue then she would be admitted into hospital.
Her bp was104/50.

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