Friday, 24 September 2010

Good news for a change!

35+5wks 13lb

I know I know, it doesn't start off too great because that shows she's lost 3oz in just over a wk, however, she was clothed (albeit very lightly) last wk. Plus you have to allow a little change from one set of scales to another aaaaaaand it was such a big gain that it's not so bad but most of all she's still on the centime!!

Spoke to Dr Pilidis today about Weds bloods and her HB is.........8.3!!!! Which is the same as last wk (well if you want to be picky it's actually .2 higher!!) whoo hoo

I forgot to say we've had the report through from her heart scan too, its as follows.

"she has got a very easily heard heart murmur which I clinically feel is innocent but on echocardiogram, she has got a foolish looking LV with normal measurement but it looked slightly dilated with a probably functionally bicuspid aortic valve with a normal gradient"

I'll post again when we have the report from DrPlidis' visit. Which will show the full blood report too.


Wednesday, 22 September 2010

D-day (diagnosis day)

Had appt with Dr Pilidis today. She went through all the results so far and still didn't diagnose her.

I asked if she felt that with out the chromosome test did she not feel she had enough symptoms to diagnose DBA and she said she did. It's just that Reagan seems to manage to hold onto her blood pretty well, her MVC is not majorly high although she did say that this is difficult to judge in little ones.

So while she has all the diagnostic symptoms they're not severe.

We talked about treatment and she said she would start her one steroids soonish, we questioned whet it would bebetter to go straight to transfusions but the steroids could possibly send Reagan into remission, so it's a good idea to try them.

She had another blood test which she once again amazed me with. She had no cream or any kind of numbing stuff and she didn't even murmur!! What a trooper, she's soooooooo brave.

She also had an x-Ray on her hands to see if she has any deformity of her thumbs, that was fun! Ever tried getting an 8 mth old hold their hands completely still. So we'll have to wait and see if its ok.

I also asked if she could look at the x-Ray that they took when she was first born and had pneumonia. Because another symptom is a fused vertebrae at the top of the neck that gives the person a turners syndrome type neck. Which is an excess of skin at the back of the neck. Rememeber I told yoj Reagan has this? So she is gong to request the xray from Frimley because if she has it then it will show on there and it saves getting another xray and exposing her again.

Lastly she requested a scan on her abdomen, sometimes they have mis shaped kidneys. That won't be done till Nov though, when we Go back for our next clinic appt.

So the long and short of it is that yes she has DBA, at ten moment it seemed mild but she said we just have to see how she holds her blood over the next couple of months.

Saturday, 18 September 2010


Ive been looking on the internet today to help wm remember what questions i have for Dr Pilidis next Wed.

I found a case study on a DBA sufferer it listed 6 diagnostic Criteria for DBA, one of them I don't know what it is but Reagan has he other 5.

I know I shouldn't jump to conclusions and i should wait for the the full reslults to come back but this is like a coping mechanism for me! Maybe I'm kind of preparing myself? And if it's not DBA it doesn't look like we will find out what it is any way!

I'm the kind of peson that needs to know everything, i don't like grey areas!

Anyway this case study also said that some sufferers also have a neck that resembles that of a Turners syndrome sufferer. So i googled it and it's like Reagans, do you remember i told you she was born with baggy skin at the back of her neck? Well turners syndrome necks are worse but it's very similar!

Thursday, 16 September 2010

More results

Wed 15th Sept 2010

Dr Pilidis rang today to see if id got the blood test results today.

And also to tell me that a few more results had come back. Apparently they had tested for Fanconi anemia too. Which is another blood disorder but it's hereditary. Any way it was negative.
I asked if they had the results back for the parvovirus and it was negative too.

Which now means that Reagan either has DBA or they have no idea what it is and probably won't know!

Just when i was starting to think it could be a virus after all.

We're going to see her next Wed so we need to write down all the questions we now have running around our heads.

So here we are 8 mths into Reagans life and finally getting some answers albeit not the ones we wanted.
I'm now up to date and can update as and when things happen from here onwards.

Blood test

Tuesday 14th Sept 2010

I got a call from FCC asking me to bring Reagan in today for a blood test!!
So we went along at 2pm and discovered that Dr Pilidis had called first thing and gave them a mouthful for not not getting her in earlier!!

They said the results were being faxed straight over to Dr Pilidis. I asked them to contact me too, even if she didn't need a transfusion.

I got a call about 5.30pm to say that her HB was 8.1 and not low enough to need a transfusion. Which is great but it is still dropping about 1 per wk!


Monday 13th Sept 34+3wks 13.3Lb

I didn't mention that I'd taken her to see a dietician back in July. I don't remember the date.
Even though I'm trying with solid food Reagan doesn't agree that she should have it!!

I told this to the dietician and she said we were doing all the right things she had no other advice to offer and keep gong as we are.

She said that normally she would be getting concerned but Reagan has had a huge weight gain and is therefore healthier than the last time she saw her.

So we'll just plough on!!!

I rang FCC today to get a blood test bkd. I haven't heard anymore from Dr Pilidis but we both felt that was still pale. The next available appt is on Fri.

I called St Georges and left a message for Dr Pilidis to see if the results dorm the bone were back yet.

She called back at 6pm. There were no more results but she wanted Reagan to have a blood test sooner than Friday so I left it with her to sort out.

Cardiac follow up

Friday 10th Sept 2010

I can't believe it's been 4 months since she had her first heart scan! But it is and now she's having her follow up scan.

Col Morthey, the consultant who did the scan, asked for an update on what had happened since he last saw her.
He said he would probably refer her to a cardiologist to be on the safe side but he would see how things were.

I think the long and short of it was that the original leaky valve was still the same but the other had corrected. The left side of her heart looked slighty larger but all the measurements etc were fine.

So he decided to reffer her to a cardiologist in Southampton. He said it wouldn't be urgent and the waiting list is about 2-3mths. He felt that the cardiologist would confirm what he had said.

While I was there i asked to book her in for a blood test but they said they couldn't with out a form.
So I went home and rang the haematology dept at St Georges to see about getting one. They said i could get one from my GP or failing that they would pst one to me!
So i rang Dr Salma only find she is away till next Thurs. So finally i rang our GP and the secretary put a note on her screen. A couple of hrs later they rang back to say therre was a form there waiting for me. But it was now 5pm so it would have to wait till Mon.

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

1st set of results

Wed 8th Sept 2010

I took her dressing off today, it had to stay on for 48hrs. There is no bruising just a hole, it's about the size of a little drinking straw. Ouch!

I spoke to Dr Pilidis to get the results of the bone marrow. They were looking for precursers which basically is the cells that make the blood cells.
Her precursors for her white blood cells and platelets was fine but the red ones were very tiny and there were only a few.

Now it could be that she is coming to the end of a virus (parvovirus) or it could be the way it's always been. So it doesn't give a great deal on it's own but along with other results we should get a better picture.

She asked how Reagan was and I said we felt she was a bit pale and maybe a little more sleepy than usual so she said to maybe getherblood tested next wk.

She's still waiting for the results from the bone (they want to look at the architecture of it) and the blood that was sent to Portugal.

Oopps I forgot!

Back in May Reagan also had a kidney scan. It's fairly unusual for babies under a year old to have a urine infection so they like to follow up with an ultrasound scan.

We had this done at a local medical centre, wwe waited soooooooo long and the scan took all of about 3 minutes, they said she was fine, no kidney problems!!
She should have another scan done a few months after, with die put through her system but as yet 've heard nothing.

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Bone marrow test

6th Sept 2010 33+3wks 12.10lb

OMG!!!! Check that out! 13oz gain in 6 days??? In act when i saw the weight on the scales it was in KG and i thought I read it wrong!! Surely that's not right???

So today is the day. We had to be at St Georges at 8.30am, Reagan couldn't eat for 4 hrs prior.

I thought that was going to be hard going because she rarely goes that long between feeds but it was absolutely fine! Phew, first hurdle!

So they come round and talk us through the procedure, once shes asleep they put a needle into her hip bone round the back and draw out some none marrow, which looks like frothy blood, then they insert another needle and take a little bit of bone. They also want to take some blood to be sent off for chromosome testing- this is to see if she has a mutation of the gene i was talking about. If she does then we know for sure that she has DBA (diamond blackfan anaemia)

So we walk her down to theatre and Alex has to wait outside. She just sits on my knee playing with a ball they gave her. They hold the gas in front of her face with NO mask on it. She tried to have a little play with it but didn't protest when we pulled h hands away.

She was very calm and relaxed which made it a million times easier. Then she fell asleep and i laid her on the bed.

We were given a bleeped and told we would be bleeped when she woke up which would be about an hr. This was at 9.30am.

So at 10.15am we went to wait outside the recovery room. We saw Dr Pilidis come out and she informed us that she got everything she needed and it was all straight forward, and she would be brought round shortly.

She was carried round by a nurse because she had woken up before even making it to recovery and cried a little. I thought that was really sweet of her!

She cried quite a bit and fed quite a bit before falling into a deep sleep for 2 hrs.
When she woke up she just as she always is and didn't seem any the worse for her ordeal!
Shes such a trooper, bless her.

All her observations were fine and we were allowed home!!

The letter

26th Aug 2010

We got a copy of the letter sent to Dr Salma from Dr Plilidis today.

When we saw her the other day she put our minds at rest because we had been thinking all sorts of nasty things. She said it could still be a virus, even though it had been tested for she was testing further for it. Or it could be some kind of syndrome which is very hard to diagnose or they simply might never know!

Anyway they letter runs through the blood test results, her HB was now at 10.3 (it had been 2+5wks since her last transfusion)

At the end of the letter it had the name of the 'syndrome' she had mentioned, its called Diamond blackfan anaemia. In short it is a very rare blood disorder. Only 700 people world wide suffer from it, around 125 of which live in the UK.
The sufferer doesn't make any or enough red blood cells.

Because it's so rare very little is known. Around 25% have a mutated gene but as yet its not known why the other 75% have it which is why its so hard to test for it.

Treatment is steroids to begin with (which can have some nasty side effects), if that doesn't work or if it stops working at any time then it would be monthly blood transfusions which again doesn't come with out complication. And failing that then its a bone marrow transplant!!!!!

So needless to say we're pinning our hopes on it being a virus! Which Dr Plilidis says is unlikely but still possible!

Reagan will have her none marrow test in 11 days on 6th Dec at St Georges.

St Georges hospital

24th Aug 2010 31+4wks 11.13lb

Shes been referred to a paediatric haematologist at st Georges because she can been seen quicker than at Frimley and because she needs the bone marrow test now and there aren't so many anaesthetists at Frimley park that can anaesthetise such a little one.

So we saw Dr Plilidis today and she ran through all that had happened so far and checked her over.

She mentioned her thumbs which i questioned. She said that Dr Salma had mentioned that they looked like they were closer to her wrist than her fingers but Dr Pilidis didn't necessarily agree.

They took more blood, i don't even really know why other than to see what her HB was but i think it was just to check most of what had already beed checked.

It was decided that she would probably have the bone marrow test done in just over a wk.

Try again

5th Aug 2010

This time they manage to get blood taken and a canula straight in with no mucking about at all. But after some time the Dr comes to us and says he's really sorry but he made a mistake the form (put the wrong DOB down) so they wont release the blood and he needs to take MORE!!
Can you F'ing believe it??!

However he takes it from the canula which they don't like to do because their little veins are likely to collapse. We were lucky and it was fine.

So finally she gets the blood.

Oh and i forgot to say that here HB was 8.7 so she needed another 60mls of blood. Which they estimate should take her HB to 12.

Part 2 blood transfusion

4th Aug 2010

Back to Frimley park hospital to have the next 60mls of blood. Again they need to take blood for cross match (check the blood with the donor blood) and see what her HB is so they can work out how much blood to give her.

While we were waiting a Dr came out and said that they had the results for the viruses, they were negative, which i know sounds good but what it means is that its something more serious wrong with her!

So because of this she will now need a bone marrow function test because they cant tell any more from ten blood, they need to look at where the blood is made.

Any way we go to get her blood taken and a canula put in, and we're hoping its straight forward because last the other day it took 5 attempts and its so distressing for her.
I think it was 3 attempts, they managed to get some blood but no canula.
Then it comes back that the one for the cross match had clotted so was no good and they need to repeat it! 2 more attempts!

By now its too late in the day for theta start a transfusion so we're asked to go back tomorrow.

Back to hospital

30th July 2010 30wks 10.14lb

Its all a bit hazy here but this is the gist.

Dr Salam decided that actually when she was her she was really quite worried about her. She had tried to get her adapt with a haematologist at Frimley but the next one was nearly a month away which was to long for here to wait.

So she wanted her in hospital for observation and to check for a few other things in her blood, so a FBC, she wanted to check her retic count again and also thee was. Coup,e of viruses that she thought could be the problem. She also wanted to see what her iron, vit B12 and colic acid levels were, all of which are needed to make blood.

What we knew now was that giving her a transfusion didn't fix her, for some reason she was still anaemic.

Blood test from today showed that her HB had dropped to 5.9 so they were going to transfuse but this time the plan was to take her right up to 12 rather than just 10.4 like last time. It also showed that her iron, vit B12 and folic acid levels were all good so she wS getting all she needed in her diet and it was getting absorbed as it should but something was going wrong still!!
Her retic count was still normal, so still not stepping up to the mark!!

You have 3 types of blood cells, red ones to carry oxygen round your body, white ones to fight infection and platelets to clot your blood to stop you bleeding when you cut yourself.
Her white cell count (wcc) was normal, he platelets was a little high, but her red was low.

She received 60mls of blood and needs to go back on Wed for another 60mls.

Dr Salma -follow up

6th July 2010 24+4wks 10.6lb

Back to see Dr Salma today. Her weight gain is about 4oz per wk now, so much beet than it was but Dr Salma felt that it still wasn't good enough.

She said she looked pale, and had quite marked stiffness of her lower limbs (just looking for problems if you ask me!) and she had a central hypotonia.( hypotonia means decreased muscle tone)

The blood result came back later that day and showed that her HB was now down at 6.9' a wk post transfusion it was 10.7.

Refer to physiotherapy
Review in 6 wks
Refer to a haematologist

Todays blood test showed that her retic count was 18 , this count should go up when you are short of blood, so in theory Reagans should be high to try and make more than the normal amount of blood but hers wAs normal.

Sweat test

30th June 2010 23+wks

Sweat test today. It was all pain free and simple for Reagan, phew!

They put a prob type thing on her thigh for a min or 2 that encourages it to sweat. Then they put a little disk on with a coil of thin plastic tubing inside it.
When she sweats it's soaked up into the tubing. Then its removed and the sweat is sent off for testing!

Paediactric review

18th MY 2010 17+4 wks 8.13lbs

WOW!! OMG, she gained 8oz this wk!!!! Amazing, up until now she has been gaining an average of 1.3oz per wk!!!!
So is she fixed??? Have we found the problem???............

Any way Dr Salma (her paediatrician) felt she hadn't gained too well, until i pointed out that most of the gaining had been done in ten past wk. Zo she didn't need to be admitted to hospital, she was giving her more time and hoping that she had turned the corner.

Start he on Sytron (iron) and multi vitamins
Organised a sweat test (didn't get done before)
See a dietician
Follow up in 6 wks.

Cardiac assessment

7th May 2010 16wks

Cardiac scan today showed 2/6 long systolic murmur, probably conducted to the axilla and it was thought that the murmur probably arose from the mitral valve!! (now can you see why its hard to keep all the info in my head!!!)
She had a small low muscular VSD with minimal shunt with no right ventricular dilatation.
The pulmonary valve gradient was 1.2 metres per second. There was no duct.
The aortic valve appeared probably bicuspid with a gradient of 1.2 metres per second. No aortic regurgitation.
Minimal posterior mitral valve regurgitation of countable significance.
The aortic arch appeared a shade narrow with normal femoral pulses.

Now if you have any idea what the he'll all that means then i wish you were with me at the scan!!

Basically it meant she had 2 leaky valves and a tiny hole at the top........i think! But all was ok.

A follow up appt to re check was made for 4 mths time.


3rd May 2010 15+3wks 8lb

When i got to the hospital today the canula wasn't working, her vein had collapsed which is common, they tend to only last a few days. So they decided that she could have oral antibiotics instead - why they couldn't have done that in the first place i don't know!


2nd May 2010

We got home today, i just need to go back to the hospital for the next 3 days for them to administer her iv anti biotics.

1st blood transfusion

30th April 2010

I got a phone call to say that Reagans HB levels were very low and i needed to bring her straight in for a blood transfusion!!!!! Wasn't expecting that at all!

It was decided that it could wait until morning because they wanted to check her over and keep her in for observation. They don't like to do transfusions in the eve or during the night just incase theres a reaction, they have more staff in during the day.

Her HB was 6 and it should be 12.

The Dr completely butchered her trying to get blood and a canula in, it was awful she was screaming so much.

She was a given 60mls of blood over a time of 3-4hrs.
They also found that she had a urine infection that they wewre going to treat with antibiotics.

Monday, 13 September 2010

Paediatrician appt

27th April 2010 14+4wks 7.14lbs

I took Reagan back to the GP (this time i saw our own GP rather than a cover) she agreed that she really should be seen by a paediatrician, as we just wernt getting anywhere!

She had an appt booked for today anyway as a follow up from the pneumonia she had at birth. So it was decided that i would just use this appt to discuss her poor weight gain.

Straight away she commented that she was pale. Then she checked her over and heard a "significant heart murmur" . She called a consultant in to listen, he just happened to be about at the time. He agreed and wanted to do a heart scan on her.

The paediatrician organised for beer to have blood taken for a full blood count (fbc) a liver Function test, a sweat test for cystic fibrosis, urine sample, stool sample, chromosome test and to return to see her in 2 wks time and if her weight gain is still an issue then she would be admitted into hospital.
Her bp was104/50.

Sunday, 12 September 2010

GP visit

6th March 2010 11+3wks

I took Reagan to see the GP and they wernt interested, As far as he was concerned she wasn't a "failure to thrive" child because she was gaining, albeit slowly.there was nothing wrong with her!!

Too her to get weighed again and the HV got so shifty with me i ended up in tears. She got all red in the face as she told me that i should be topping up with formula, and she would get into trouble for not doing her job properly!!!

I told her that I felt she wasn't giving me any support with BF and her answer was not to give up BF but to top up. I said that i had been with expressed milk and Reagan just didn't take much anyway!!


29th March 2010 9+3 wks

Reagan now weighs 7.4lbs and is falling further away from the bottom percentile, now the HV keeps nagging me to top up with formula, she doesn't seem to want to help me to succeed in BF, instead she wants a quick fix with formula.

I don't feel like I'm getting the support needed to get Reagan to feed properly.

She advised me to take Reagan to our GP because she is now "looking scrawny".

Saturday, 11 September 2010

Health visitor

10th March 2010

Health visitor came back today and weighed her and checked her feeding etc. Weight was 6.15lb.
She wrote in her red book that she had been prescribed gaviscon because we thought she may have silent reflux and it was worth a try. But when i gave it to her it really seemed to disagree with her.

At this point Reagan was sleeping well, she had gone unto 6hrs during the night on quite a few occasions. Her latch was still poor and I had visited the breast feeding councillor who said that if we didn't see an improvement soon then I would need to express and feed through a bottle.

I remember doing this for 2 wks but it made no difference!

Weight gains

9/2/10 3+4wks 6.8
15/2/10 4+3wks 6.9
22/2/10 5+3wks 6.101/2
1/3/10 6+3wks 6.13
Reagan was born on th 9th percentile at 6 wks she had finally made it back past her birth weight but was now below the lowest percentile.

20 days old

4th Feb 2010

HV came and weighed her..........she bloody lost what she'd gained! So back to 6lb 5oz.
Her belly button is looking better so at least she won't need anything done to that.


1st feb 2010

Finally!!! She gains weight. Now she weighs 6lb 6.5oz. So she's signed off from the midwife and the HV will come over in a few days.

Day 15

30th Jan 2010

Still no weight gain!!! But her cord came off today, the midwife looked at it and thought it might need to be quarterized?!!?

Day 12

27th Jan 2010

Midwife came back to weigh her again, no change at all still weighs 6lb 5oz. So she's coming back again in a few days.

Back home

25th Jan 2010

Reagan is now 10 days old and should by rights be getting signed off from the midwife and handed over to the health visitor.

When the midwife came she weighed her again and said that she should be back up to birth weight by now. She had only gained 1.5oz so now weighed 6lb 5oz, also her cord was still very much attached.

So she didn't sign her off and would return in a few days to weigh her again!

I forgot to mention that when she was born she had fat neck at the back and at the very top of her back. They described it as webbing. They wern't sure what it was but thought it was probably from the fluid that was showing on the nuchal translucency, perhaps it hadn't be reabsorbed into the body until very late on in pregnancy. It should shrink back as she grows. And on the right side of her sole by her heel on her right foot it looked a little miss shaped, a bit like it had been added on. They asked if she was at any time breech, but she wasn't. So they thought it must just be the way she was positioned.

5 Days old

20th Jan 2010

Reagan got weighed today for the first time since birth. It was bit nerve wracking because of the bumpy start and she still wasn't feeding great.

6lb 3.5oz, so she'd lost 8oz, which is under 10% so I was pleased with that!!!

She also had her guthrie test today :-(

On the ward

18th Jan 2010.

Reagan was allowed to come onto the ward with me because her Billy rubin levels were fine!
So we just have go over to SCBU twice a day for them to give her her antibiotics.
It's a 5 day course, then we can go home!

Day 2 in SCBU

I woke with a start at 6am. SCBU hadn't called me back so I ran round there to find her sleeping peacefully (the first time she'd done that since birth)
The nurse told me that she had given her another feed via the NG (nasal gastric) tube. I was alittle annoyed that this had happened with out my consent but seeing how peaceful Reagan was so pleasing.

More than that though she was breathing all by her self! No oxygen!! And her SATs were at 100%. It was such a relief I just burst into tears.letting her sleep because of the full tummy and allowing her use all her energy for breathing was what was needed obviously.

She was a little yellow and so they wanted to check her Billy Rubin levels for jaundice.

The children were very anxious about her and lots of tears had been shed at home so obviously they wanted to see her but she looked quite frightening because of all the tubes and wires so we were a little unsure wether or not to let them but she had now lost the oxygen tube and not long after the SATS monitor went and when the new nurse came on the morning shift she decided to get rid of the NG tube because she was now feeding so much better due to having such a good sleep I guess! So that went too and all that was left was the iv drip which could be hidden under the blanket.
So by the time the kids came to visit they could see her!

The nurse said that if her Billy Rubin levels we're OK she could come over to the ward with me!


Friday, 10 September 2010

Back to hospital

16th Jan 2010

The midwife came round to do the aped check and normal post natal check.
Reagan had been grunting all night and wasn't feeding too great.

So we went back to SCBU, they did all sorts of test. They took blood, did SATs, checked her heart, put a canula in,gave her oxygen because her sats were too low.

She still wouldn't feed great and was very sleepy.
Eventually they did a chest xray, which was the worst i think as she cried and cried and we weren't allowed in the room with her.

The chest xray showed a chest infection, so they began to treat it with iv antibiotics.

She was staying in SCBU and i was over on the Maternity ward. They had to call me back to feed her but she was so tired and breathless and she couldn't get her SATs up, i was back an forth every hr till about 2am. At which time the nurse suggested we feed her through the tube that they had put down her nose.
So i agreed as it just didn't seem fair to keep making her struggle.

The birth

15th Jan 2010

Reagan born naturally but she wasn't breathing as well as the midwife would have liked and so I had to blow in here face for a few minutes to stimulate her.

After some time she still hadn't pinked up properly, half of her torso had but not the reest of her body and she was also grunting.

We were sent to SCBU to have a paed check her out as they were worried especially because of the leaky heart valve.
The paed was has happy with her, she had pinked up well by this point except her hands and feet.

So we went home!!

20wk scan #2!!!

15th Sept 2009

A re-scan today because of the small stomach last wk.
Today however was all good! Which was such a relief. It occurred to me today that I was really gutted about last wks scan because it was the first time i was going to have a scan for pleasure!

So with all this in mind I wasn't convinced everything was ok until the baby was born.

20 wk scan

10th Sept 2009 21 wks pregnant

Back at firmly park for a 20wk anomaly scan.
This is the scan when you can find out what sex the baby is, however, we found out what we were having from the CVS test. We've never found out the sex before so this is new for us!!

The scan was all fine except they found the stomach to be small!!! Can you believe it! Any way they said that it could just be that the baby hasn't eaten recently but because of previous scans i was to go back in a wk to have another look!!!!

Cardiac scan #2

8th Sept 2009

By now I was about 20wks pregnant and it seemed we had spent the entire pregnancy so far going from appt to appt.

Back at St Thomas' for another scan. Today they got a beet view and the out come was that the baby had a leaky valve. He assured us that it was very small and insignificant. It wouldn't need attention nor would it cause any trouble later in life.

It was called a mild tricuspid regurgitation, with no haemodynamic significance.

Cardiac scan

19th Aug 2009.
We had an appt at St Thomas' in London (right near the London eye) for them to scan the babies heart.

It was very long and very quiet, they have to really concentrate so they warned us that they wouldn't talk to us until it was over, so it's a little unnerving.

So she did the whole scan which was recorded. She then took the tape to a consultant. He came in and had a go his self. They have a long check list to go through and there was one thing on the list they couldn't quiet get a good look at. He said they could get an 'alright' view but not great.
So we were asked to go back again in a few wks time to try again when the baby would be a little bigger.

What they could see was all ok.

CVS results

3rd Aug 2009

We were able to call the hospital to get the results but i can remember exactly what date it was i do remember that they wernt back yet and we had to call another 2 times before getting them, which was agonising!But the main thing in the end was that the baby was not downs!phew, huge sigh of relief.

3rd Aug is the date on the letter that we received the letter confirming the results along with an appointment for a cardiac scan at st. Thomas' London.

The reason for this is because the measurement was so large it mostly likely means something is wrong and if its not downs then its likely to be a problem with the heart a d least likely just a sack of fluid.

Scan #3

20th July 2009

Back at Frimley park for another try at getting the nuchal translucency.
This time we were successful but it wasn't good news.
It measurerd 4.7mm. This give the baby a 1 in 3 chance of being downs.
We have had the blood test done too for the combined screening, which gives a more accurate ratio.
It was decided though, that because it was very low the blood test wouldn't make a significant difference and so we went ahead and had a CVS ( chorion-villus sampling) done. A needle is put into the uterus and some of the placenta is removed to rest the chromosomes.
A local anaesthetic is given and so it is pretty much pain free but an incredibly horrible procedure.
Now we need to wait 10 days for the results.

Scan # 2

17th July 2009

Back to Frimley park hospital to get a nuchal translucency measurement.
Just as we thought it was large, however, the sonographer couldn't get an equal measurement. It appeared to be bigger on one side of the neck than the other. This was something she had never seen before. She asked another sonographer to have a look to no avail. Se we were asked to come back in e few days.

Report as follows
First trimester ultrasound:
Transabdominal US with HD11 . Ultrasound view : Good
Fetal heart action present
CRL (crown to rump length) 68mm
Nuchal translucency 3.70mm (worst case)

Summery: normal intrauterine pregnancy.
Unilateral fluid collection seen at the fetal neck.? Unusual presentation of nuchal translucency ? Unilateral cystic hygroma.

1st ultrasound scan

3rd July 2009

Today we went for our first scan to get a due date confirmed and have the measurement of the nuchal fold taken.
It turns out that I was only 10 wks pregnant so its too early to do the measurements, however its really obvious that the nuchal fold is huge.
We were asked to return in 2 wks time.

We we were given a print out of the findings which said; early pregnancy assessment, gestational sac present, yolk sac present, amniotic sac present. Embryo present. Fetal heart action present. Prominent nuchal translucency noted.

In the beginning

10th Sept 2010 12.44pm
I've decided to write a blog on behalf of my daughter Reagan, because almost since conception she has had one drama or another and it's all too much to keep in my head!
So I'm going to try and start at the beginning! And wind back time to last July when we went for our first ultrasound scan.
Hope you enjoy.