Saturday, 2 April 2011

Poorly again! :0(

Wed 23rd March
Reagan woke up with Diarrhoea today, she wouldnt eat a thing and at lunch time she woke up with a temp.
I didnt have access to a themometor so i dont know what it was. i rang the childrens ward and they wanted to see her because it had mucus in it.
we arrived about 1/2 hr afte she had some calpol and her temp was 38.
they decided to do a blood test to be on the safe side.
she had been very sleepy all day and was still at this point, then about 20 mins later she really perked up!! Typical!
Any way her bloods were fine, they showed no infection so just a virus and her HB was 9. this was 3 wks post tranfusion (remember they had given her an extra 20% blood to last her 4 wks) and her retic count was 63!!!! I cant remember it ever being that high!

so anyway, we went  home after a couple of hrs because we had an appt with Dr Salma the following morning.

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